2009.03.29-30 Utah - Part II

Another major snowstorm was scheduled to hit Utah on Sunday, so there was a decision to be made: 1) forego skiing and drive home early before the storm, or 2) call off work Monday and ski two more days. This was an easy decision so Devon and I joined Laura and Aaron as they showed us around Snowbird.
Devon and I on a snowy day at the 'Bird (Photo: Laura P): The snow started falling at 9 am and quickly filled in the crusty snow from previous warm days. I was incredibly excited to ski Snowbird but limited visibility, heavy snow, and fierce winds prevented access to more challenging terrain as the upper mountain remained closed for the majority of the day. Snow continued, falling at rates of 2-3 inches per hour for most of the morning. ~12 inches fell by early afternoon leaving me excited for the next day!
Nuking, puking, dumping. Whatever you may call it, the snow was coming down hard!:
Aaron takes a break to defrost:
Any break from the storm was welcomed, even a short trip through the tunnel to Mineral Basin:
Monday dawned with snow totals approaching two feet as Devon and I prepared to return to Snowbird. However, Little Cottonwood Canyon remained closed for avalanche work preventing access to the mountain. So, we headed back to Solitude with Laura's brother, Wally, to test 15 inches of fresh snow. Honeycomb Canyon remained closed this day, but Wally led us to his favorite stashes. Unfortunately, these pictures don't do justice to the faceshots and whiterooms we experienced all morning.
Wally and Devon ride the Summit chair to reach the goods:
Devon gets fresh tracks:
Wally tears through the powder:
Enjoying my last turns through Utah powder before heading home (Photo: Devon S):

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